IT IS SEEKERVILLE'S 10th BIRTHDAY….Give Yourself a Gift…Go Wide

I fell down the other day.

I’m just fine. A scratch on the palms of my hands, a bruise on my knees. But while I lay there, face down, on my basement floor (no I didn’t hit my head, my eye is fine) I had this thought.

“My world just got narrower.”

I’ve witnessed this in my own life but I’m probably more aware of it with my mom and other elderly relatives than with myself, though I've been moving with great caution lately because my balance and depth perception are affected by the changed vision in my left eye. There on the floor I was thinking about being MORE careful. Get more light down here. Don't walk around the car this direction again. My choices to be cautious added up to my world getting narrower.

With my mom and mother-in-law, it wasn't a choice to make their world narrower. They had no choice.

My mom--with her walker--and a fall that landed her in the hospital for three weeks and a nursing home for three more, will never leave her house to go for a walk again.

Why? She’s afraid she’ll fall.

My mother-in-law quit going out to eat in a place she wasn't familiar with.

Why? Some bathrooms weren’t suited to someone with her senior citizen impairments.

My dad, I remember the day he said he’d never go to another Nebraska Cornhusker Football game again. He realized all the walking, all the stairs to the cheap seats, were beyond him.

I witnessed all of them say (in other words), “My world just got narrower.”

And while I lay there on my basement floor I knew it was my turn. At least until my eyes get better.

So I’m not even saying that’s bad. It’s just reality as you age. You’ve got to make choices, and those choices narrow your world.

But as authors, so much of our world is MENTAL. And that never has to get narrow. I am pretty completely branded as a historical western romance novelist. And I love that. I’m all in for that brand. But I can be WIDE within that.

Chance to win a Kindle Fire!
My heroines don’t always have to be feisty. How about I write a timid woman…and have her grow in courage. Kylie Wilde in Tried and True. Angie in Long Time Gone.

My heroes don’t always have to be heroic alpha males. Seth Kincaid the Crazy Man in Over the Edge. (okay Seth's pretty alpha in his own lunatic way) Alex Buchanan in Doctor in Petticoats.

My plots can vary more widely than I usually dare. How about the hero is a city boy who’s been to Harvard and prefers to wear a suit to work? He's tough enough, but still, he mostly pushes a pen…and that pen has ink in it, not cattle. Cole Boden in Too Far Down—WHICH IS RELEASING TOMORROW.

Sometimes life can get sticky… (sez the woman who had emergency surgery this summer) Our physical world can of necessity get very narrow. Maybe for a time, maybe forever. But that narrowness doesn’t have to extend to our minds or to our writing.

Today, to celebrate our tenth anniversary I’m giving away a signed copy of my new release Too Far Down AND I’m giving away a Kindle.

Let’s talk about a time you took a chance with your writing. A time you went WIDE. Wrote a different kind of character, tried a different genre. And if you haven’t done that, then what about a dream? What would you LIKE to try?

I’ve always thought it would be fun to write a regency romance. And I’ve never even tried. I suppose I should sometime, but the terms, the clothing, carriages, the architecture, not to mention whether an earl is a bigger deal than a Baron. I know Duke is a big deal...anyway, you get why I hesitate. What is a chemise anyway?

I can’t get excited about the research…although I’ve toyed with the idea of having a ‘second son’, an aristocrat’s child, in America. So I could have some of those Regency England accents and attitudes.

Will I ever do it? Can I? Can you?
We need to keep our minds wide open to the possibilities.
Never is that more important than among authors who are creating people and lives and worlds.
Give yourself a gift for the Seekerville Birthday and GO WIDE!

Leave a comment to get your name in a drawing for a Kindle and a signed copy of my new release Too Far Down. Two prizes, two winners!

When an explosion kills men and damages the CR Mining Company, the Bodens realize their troubles are not behind them as they thought. Shadowy forces are still working against them.

Cole Boden finds himself caught between missing his time back East and all that New Mexico offers. Sure he fights with his siblings now and then, but he does care for them. He enjoys running the mine and, when he's honest, he admits that Melanie Blake captures his interest in a way no other woman ever has.
Read the exciting conclusion to the Cimarron Legacy Series...Too Far Down!